William B. Mello Jr

My name is William B. Mello Jr. I am a Case Manager.  I would like to tell you a little bit about my experience with the amazing program called: “ELEVATE OUR VETS”.  I am being honest when saying there are not enough words to describe the greatness in this program and what it has done for not only the veterans that have already received the gift of flight, but what it has done for me as an individual and a veteran.

I would like to express the fact that I am a Disabled American Veteran.  I truly enjoy my career and have the honor of meeting, working with, and advocating for our nation’s heroes.  I know of many veterans.  I also have the honor of knowing many that suffer from disabilities, illnesses, and some who have been terminally ill.  I have always sought ways to “put a smile on veterans’ faces” while working with them.  I can honestly say I have never experienced anything like this flight for veterans program.  I hope anyone who reads this takes into consideration that there are not many things our amazing veterans wish for but every single one that has heard of this program and has had the privilege of experiencing it would have two major things to say: “IT IS TRULY A BLESSING AND IT IS AMAZING, THANK YOU”.  I have been allowed to be a part of this truly gifted program and I have seen the reactions of both the veterans that got to fly and their families.

I have seen how the gift of a flight truly touches the heart of our nation’s heroes.  The fact that it is a non-profit is truly something special.

I met with the founder of this organization (Scotty) through a friend of mine.  Upon speaking with him and explaining to him I had a veteran that had one dream to fly, Scotty told me he would be honored and stated: “Elevate our Vets…. Paying it forward, one flight at a time.

Will, you just tell me when and let's get him in the air”.  Initially, I had no idea what Scotty was getting at with the first part of his statement, I will say this, I could truly hear it in his voice that he has a big heart, love, and respect for our veterans.  It did not take long for me to learn about Scotty’s quote as he told me about the dream.

I would like to state one last thing, I know in my heart of hearts that there are certain things that are more than just an idea or invention; This program is a “CALLING”, SCOTTY IS A CALLING, and this program truly changes lives for the better by way of increasing the psychosocial well-being of veterans that have a wish, a dream, or a passion to fly.  Please understand that for some, this is their last wish and a dream come true.  This program has changed the lives of people and it is because of the “calling” of someone and something truly special.  I am honored, privileged, and excited to see this program grow and expand to new heights.  I am willing to dedicate my life to those who have had the willingness to sacrifice for our freedom and I truly feel, no…. I know this flight program is a true Blessing from above.

This program has given me more drive to be a better Case Manager and has allowed me the honor and gift of assisting veterans in getting in the air to experience a truly great thing.  Thank you, Scotty! You are truly a great inspiration to many people.  Because of you and your program dreams come true.  I am honored to call you my friend and brother.  God Bless.


William B. Mello Jr.

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